Saturday, October 23, 2010

{Kitchen} Island Getaway

I don't know about for you, but the kitchen island is the singular most used item in our entire house.

It is our catch-all and our dinner-prep. We (namely, I) fold our laundry there and read our mail. It holds our wine and microwave and pots and pans and spices and trays and Kitchen-Aid get the point. And when we have dinner parties, despite ample seating areas, everyone tends to hover around this thing. I'm telling you - this one piece does it all.

So what's my point? Here it goes: to all you folks out there getting ready (or in the process of) building or remodeling your kitchen, choose your island carefully. Don't get me wrong, our island gets the job done, but if I knew this item was going to host 90% of our time at home, I would have picked one with a little more soul.

But the most perfect kitchen island ever?

I'm not even sure I totally understand how those drawers work, but I loooooooveee it! And those handles?!? No lack of storage. I think it's perfect. In fact, I might just have to measure my space when I get home. A girl can dream. :)

(FYI - this piece is for sale, so if you want details, just ask!)

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