So remember that Grand Opening party petite surprise was hosting on November 4th? And then remember when it got moved to November 18th? Yah, it happens.
Well anyways, our official Grand Opening celebration has (much to my delight!) morphed into more of a Support-A-Great-Cause party. Don't be fooled, celebration is still in order, but it will be tastefully coupled with an opportunity to CHANGE PEOPLE'S LIVES. Can a party get any better than that?! We think not. :)
It is my great honor to cordially invite you (any anyone you can drag along!) to join us on the evening of November 18th at petite surprise. We will be hosing the event UNTIL EVERY CHILD IS FED. And it's just that - a chance to feed precious (but dying) children.
Here's the TRUTH:
the TRUTH is there are 147,000,000 million orphans in the world. sick. starving. dying. unloved. uncared for. the TRUTH is 70% of them will never be educated. the TRUTH is 43,836 precious children die each day because of hunger related causes. that is one child every 2 seconds. the TRUTH is starvation is PREVENTABLE. the TRUTH is we make excuses. the economy is bad. gas is expensive. so is food. we can’t afford to help. the TRUTH is if your household income is $50,000 or more per year, you are in the top 1% richest people in the world. in the WORLD. the TRUTH is we wrap our arms so tightly around what we have that we can’t extend our reach to help those who truly NEED. the TRUTH is they are orphans. abandoned. the TRUTH is that when they go to bed at night no one tucks their blankets in around them and kisses their foreheads. the TRUTH is that when they wake up in the dark scared, no one runs to comfort them. the TRUTH is that due to someone else’s carelessness, some will die of AIDS. the TRUTH is poverty and squalor and disease and desolation are REAL. they have names. and faces that stare back and hands that squeeze tight. the TRUTH is they are beautiful people in need of love. the TRUTH is you can’t take your money with you. one day you will die, so while you are here why don’t you help someone LIVE. at one child every 2 seconds, this is a matter that can not wait. it is URGENT. the TRUTH is that for children under age 5, 54% will die from preventable, treatable illnesses. they are not statistics, they are people. they are children with no one to help them, no one to love them. they are dying because we have chosen to care more about our comfort and security than for their basic needs. the TRUTH is they did not choose to be born into the situation they are in. they are just like you or me. real people with personalities and smiles. the TRUTH is they don’t need sympathy, they need help. TANGIBLE HELP. healthy meals. clean water. simple medications. the TRUTH is you have a choice. you can choose to use your freedom and this opportunity to do something about it, or you can turn your cheek and pretend 43,000 children won’t die tonight from the lack of something you have the means to provide. the TRUTH is even $.19, the cost of one meal in Uganda, can make a difference. the TRUTH is you YOU CAN BE THE DIFFERENCE.
Here's what we plan to do about it:
We hope you will make plans to be here. Check out our Facebook page for daily posts of great products and services from generous, local businesses to be raffled off!
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