Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Succulent {Easter} Centerpiece

This column isn't running until Easter Sunday, but what good is an Easter centerpiece ON Easter?? And chances are you won't remember next year, so here's a little preview (shhhh don't tell anyone I've posted it here..).

My Easter centerpiece this year is both unique and practical – the ultimate combination in my opinion. It features an assortment of long-lasting succulents and orchids, contained in an old dough bowl I had on hand. Throw in a cute bunny, a nest, or some eggs and you are festive in no time. The result is a lush, hearty looking display of unbelievable textures. Here’s the how-to:

1. First of all, decide what container you will use to hold your succulent garden. I recommend something large and shallow (think casserole dish size), as well as earthy for the best results. Don’t get me wrong, porcelain or a terra cotta pot would get the job done, but I love the results of the natural wood look.

2. Gather an assortment of succulents and orchids in varying heights, textures, colors and sizes. I found Walmart to have a great selection of small sized succulents, and the low-sprouted orchids were a perfect addition, brought inside from my husband’s re-sprouted outdoor collection. I also threw in a moss rose, but if you plan to keep your garden in a dark area these delicate little things probably won’t open often, if at all.

3. If your container is not leak-proof or, as in my case, wooden, be sure to line with plastic. I simply cut open a gallon sized plastic bag and spread it over the bottom of my container.

4. Begin arranging the succulents and orchids. I found it easiest to start in the middle and work my way out. I used a combination of dirt, moss, and New Zealand sphagnum moss (the moss found in most orchid plants) to hold the plants in place.

5. Fill in the empty surface areas with dry moss (or live moss if you can find it!).

6. Add decorations until your heart’s content! Bunnies and nests go especially well this time of year, but you can always add a specific color or item to fit any party theme.

7. Enjoy your garden for weeks to come. (Okay, I haven’t actually had my garden for weeks yet, so I’m not quite sure how long it will last. I’ve had good luck with succulents and orchids indoors in the past, so I’m hoping for a good couple of weeks. I plan to lightly water once or twice a week and set outside in a shady location occasionally. If anyone has a better strategy, please let me know at info@petitesurprise.com!)

Just a little side not - I love, love, love the way this turned out. The pictures don't really do it justice. It's currently on our kitchen island and my little heart smiles every time I walk past. Go make your heart happy, you'll be glad you did. :)

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